Artist Features

Maya Vivas

Ceramic sculpture of black rounded form with organic white protuberance appearing to grow from it

Vivas, Maya. i have no choice (4), 2018. 2020 Individual Artist Fellow, Oregon Arts Commission.

Originally published April, 2020

A multidisciplinary artist, Maya Vivas works in a variety of mediums such as ceramic, performance, painting, social practice and installation. Vivas has exhibited work, spoken on panels, and hosted workshops throughout the United States including venues and institutions such as PICA, The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, Luisiana State University and Yale. Vivas is also co-founder of Ori Gallery, whose mission is to redefine “the white cube” through amplifying the voices of Queer and Trans Artists of color, community organizing and mobilization through the arts.

Courtesy of the Oregon Arts Commission.

Artist Credit: Maya Vivas