Exhibition Images + Catalogs

Sara Clendening • Ditch Projects (1)

Sara Clendening: S/T, Void Fill, June 30 – July 21, 2012. Installation view. Springfield, Oregon: Ditch Projects, 2012.

For her first solo exhibition, Ditch Projects, Springfield, Los Angeles based artist Sara Clendening will be exhibiting two sculptures and a suite of paintings under the umbrella of S/T “self titled”. In the main gallery, an electrician’s ladder is presented on a rotating platform (Lazy Susan). A light fixture with no bulb is suspended from above. Adjacent to the ladder: A scale architectural model of the exhibition space is presented on a small pedestal. Visitors are invited to turn (screw) spin the model around the scale ladder which activates a light bulb hanging above the model. The rear gallery showcases four shaped canvasses: “The Inner Planets” which orbit the main exhibition space. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are presented as Mercator projection maps. The wall mounted canvasses once existed as three-dimensional objects; beanbag chairs serving social function. The chairs have been disassembled and flattened into an orange peel format. Sculptural presence in the center of the room plays with the notion of the fundamentals of dark matter. The polyethylene foam beads (commercially known as “void fill”) have been removed from the trans dimensional orbs and re distributed in black trash bags. The beanbag chairs initially used as a catalyst for a social event now create a void fill per se.

Courtesy of Ditch Projects.

Artist Credit: Sara Clendening

Exhibition: Sara Clendening: S/T, Void Fill, June 30 – July 21, 2012

Project Website

Ditch Projects