Artists of Oregon: Paintings and Sculptures, February 3 – 28, 1971. Exhibition brochure (front). Portland, Oregon: Portland Art Museum, 1971.
An exhibition of 125 Oregon artists, selected by Gordon Gilkey, Louis Bunce and Lee Kelly.
Courtesy of Monograph Bookwerks.
Artist credit: Jay Backstrand, Frank Boyden, Bonnie Bronson, Louis Bunce, Mary Davis, Betty Feves, Gordon Gilkey, Paul Gunn, Sally Haley, Charles Heaney, Manuel Izquierdo, George Johanson, Mel Katz, Lee Kelly, LaVerne Krause, Betty LaDuke, Jack McLarty, Carl Morris, Frank Okada, Henk Pander, Orleonok Pitkin, Albert Runquist, Arthur Runquist, Michele Russo, Ken Shores, Bruce West
Exhibition: Artists of Oregon: Paintings and Sculptures, February 3-28, 1971